
Cosmetic Botox

Therapeutic Botox

Dermal Filler and Collagen Stimulators

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Wellness Injections

Emma Wiskin is a Nurse Practitioner specializing in injectables for women 30+. Emma created the Aurora Skin Clinic to educate and empower the women of her community on their changing skin, with a focus on confidence in aging instead of anti-aging. Emma is passionate about creating subtle and natural results for all her clients—the best injectable is the least detectable. Her attention to detail, as well as her warm and gentle approach, makes her an ideal medical aesthetic practitioner. As a primary health care Nurse Practitioner, Emma has a proficient knowledge of facial anatomy and extensive clinical experience in dermatology as it relates to aging.

Emma Wiskin is a Nurse Practitioner specializing in injectables for women 30+. Emma created the A... Read More

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Located at: 15387 Yonge St, Second Floor, Aurora
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